Context banner contain text information, frequently - from a few advertisers. Media banners provide information in graphical format and are designed for companies with large advertising budgets.
Basic instruments for the show of the searching context advertising (banners on the pages of results of search) are Yandex Direct and Google Adwords. Advertising in the network of thematic resources is shown on each of sites-partners of search engine.
You can also place a banner on individually selected portals or sites. But for getting good results from advertising - these resources must be well visited.
When ordering the internet advertising is through Yandex Direct or Google Adwords, you get:
- rapid placing of Your announcements in the results of searchings systems for the chosen requests;
- effective advertising campaign with need keywords, announcements and links;
- statistics of visits of every announcement, information about the daily expense, prognosis of budget on future periods;
- information about the future behavior of the users coming across an ad;
- calculation of the parameters determining the effectiveness of this advertising.
- selected for your theme, the list of portals and sites on which it is expedient to place a banner;
- calculation of budget on advertising of future periods;
- calculation of the parameters determining the effectiveness of this advertising.